Top 5 Most Expensive Coin In The World

Money is considered the most traditional way to measure the value of something. Every note or coin has its own clear value and this is the global system that has been used so that people can exchange it during the process of purchasing.

However, there are coins out there that are worth more than what is written on them and usually, this is because of the rarity of the coin itself. It might be that the coin is part of a limited edition that is only issued at that particular time in the past.

These types of coins are collector's items and are in high demand by coin collectors out there who are more than willing to spend big bucks to get their hands on the holy grail of coins. Here are the top 5 most expensive coins to have ever been sold in the world.

5. Edward III Florin 1343 ($6.8 million)

The age of this coin is one of the factors that made its price so high to the extent that some collectors are willing to pay $6.8 million for it in an auction. Considering that the coin has existed for more than 670 years is a miracle when you look at its condition.

If you look at it, numerous of these coins have gone out of existence since it was first issued. Now, there are only 3 units of Edward III Florin coin that still remain. That's what makes this coin one of the rarest ones to be found out there.

4. The Brasher Doubloon 1787 ($7.4 million)

An investment firm from Wall Street is willing to pay $7.4 million for this golden Spanish coin in an auction. Ephraim Brasher, a professional goldsmith designed this coin and he wanted the New York State to start producing coins using this shape in copper.

However, the government did not agree and said that they did not want to produce coins out of copper. Brasher continued on with his work by making more coins but using bronze instead. He only has made a few coins using 22 carats of gold and it seems the price of it has skyrocketed to this date.

3. The Double Eagle 1933 ($7.5 million)

This particular coin has become very valuable for a rather stranger reason. This coin was produced using pressure in 1933. But, this coin was never issued to the public. This is because the president of the United States at the time, Franklin D. Roosevelt made gold prohibitively to be owned.

He made this decision mainly in an attempt to end the banking crisis since the financial problems in the United States were considered very grave at the time. Despite that, it has not stopped people from getting their hands on this coin and it is believed that there are 20 units out there that have some serious price tags on them.

2. The Saint - Gaudens Double Eagle1907 ($7.5 million)

This is another coin that was successfully sold in an auction for $7.5 million. This coin was originally designed by Augustus Saint-Gaudens. Unfortunately, the design for this coin was so complicated that it rises the problem of how the United States Mint will be able to produce a coin like it.

To make the design much easier for commercial use, the chief engraver, Charles Barber decided to make a few modifications to the original shape of the coin. He uses the phrase 'In God We Trust' from the original coin. Congress was definitely not happy with this modification and even when the coin was produced, they are in small quantities.

This factor has made the coin so rare to be found and insanely valuable.

1. The Flowing Hair Silver/Copper Dollar 1794/5 ($10 million)

If only the coins in your pocket were worth $10 million then you would probably be a billionaire, right? There is only one coin in the world that manage to reach this huge pricing and that would be non-other than the flowing hair silver/copper dollar 1794/5.

One might ask what is so special about this coin that it has such a high price tag on them. The first coin with the highest price in the world is also the first coin to be issued by the Federal Government of the United States of America.

This coin started to be produced somewhere between 1794 and 1795 and it was made from 190% silver and 10% copper. When it was first printed, it was considered the first to be ever made after the US Mint was established.

It was very popular due to the image of Liberty with long wavy hair. One of these coins was managed to be sold in an auction for $10 million in January 2013.

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