10 Interesting Facts About Snakes

Snakes are among the most fearsome creatures in the world and just looking at them will give goosebumps to you. Just imagine how venomous this reptile is that just one bite is capable of killing multiple adults.

However, there are still some out there that consider it a hobby to collect such exotic animals and make them their pets.

So let us look at some of the interesting facts about snakes.

1. There are roughly 750 species that are venomous and from that only 250 of them are capable of killing a human with one bite.

It will take up to 5 days for a snake to fully digest its prey. For bigger snakes such as the anaconda, it will take even longer for weeks long.

3. The biggest snake ever recorded will be the anaconda. It can grow up to a size of 270kg.

4. Snakes do not have ears. However, they are able to detect sound waves through their skin, muscle, and bones.

5. Snakes use their forked tongue for the sense of smell. Aside from that, it is like a great GPS for determining their pathway.

6. For the record, snakes kill roughly 40,000 people each year.

Snakes are considered an exotic food in some parts of the world like Viet Nam. In fact, the Chinese have made soup out of snakes since 2000 years ago.

Only 70% of snakes lay eggs while the rest especially the ones that lived in cold climates give birth to them.

9. Snakes will continue to grow similarly to humans. However, the rate of growth becomes stagnant when they reach an older age.

10. In some cases, a snake can commit suicide unintentionally by biting itself when it thought that its body is its prey.


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