10 Health Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar

Some of you might have been taking apple cider casually due to its good health benefits. But some might question whether this is really true? Here we would like to unravel what apple cider vinegar truly is.

What is Apple Cider

Apple cider is made from cider as you can guess from the name and it has a pale yellow to orange consistency. Similar to other forms of ciders, it also has a rather sour taste to it due to the presence of acetic acid and malic acid.

Apple has been long used since the Civil War and the First World War. It was used during the wars to treat injured soldiers while on the battlefield. The Japanese Samurai Warriors were also said to have drunk apple cider to improve their overall strength and durability of the body.

What Are the Health Benefits of Apple Cider?

1. Help Lose Weight

Apple has been known to help in weight loss thanks to acetic acid that can disturb the ability of the body to digest starch.

When this happens,  there will be less food broken down into calories and flow into the blood. This however will only have a slight effect on your weight reduction. Well, at least it's better than nothing though.

But too much acetic acid can also damage the throat. Therefore, the best way to do it is by mixing one teaspoon of apple cider with around 250ml of plain water before your meal. Apple cider will prevent the starch from being absorbed but it does not mean one can eat whatever one wishes.

2. Maintaining Blood Sugar Level

With Apple cider, an individual can prevent being a victim of diabetes. The anti-glycemic effect of apple cider is related to its capability to prevent a big portion of the starch from being digested and ultimately reduce the blood sugar level.

However, before you start taking apple cider, be sure to get advice from your doctor first. The American Diabetic Association stated that the intake of cider before bedtime will give an effect on the concentration of glucose in patients with diabetes type II.

3. Lowering Blood Pressure

The benefit of apple cider is it balances the pH level of the body which will ultimately reduce blood pressure. Apple cider can break down the fat deposits in the body and this will result in a good flow of blood aside from reducing the blood pressure of the artery walls.

The antihypertensive properties of apple cider can also be said related to the high potassium level which functions to reduce the negative effect of sodium on blood pressure.

4. Lowering Cholesterol and Risk of Heart Attack

Based on research in the Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, a rat that has been given apple cider experienced a reduction in the LDL level(bad cholesterol) and an increase in the HDL level(good cholesterol).

Apple cider also contains pectin which is a type of fiber that can reduce cholesterol levels. As some of you might know, the reduction in cholesterol also leads to a lower risk of a heart attack.

Based on a study in the Havard School of Public Health, women that use cider in salad dressings were found to have a lower risk of heart attack compared to other types of salad dressings.

Apple cider contains chlorogenic acid which has been scientifically proven to have an antioxidant property to protect an individual from a heart attack. The high dose of pectin also contributes to the health of the heart.

5. Whitening The Teeth

Apple cider can also act as a cleaning agent. It not only removes the stain on your teeth but also kills the bacteria that cause gum diseases.

6. Antioxidant Property

Apple cider is rich in certain bioactive compounds such as acetic acid, catechin, gallic acid, caffeic acid, and many more which has potent antioxidant property.

These antioxidants will prevent the formation of free radicals that will destroy DNA cells.

7. Helps Treat Candida Infection

Candida is a type of fungal infection that lives on the surface of the skin. It grows in an acidic environment that is usually related to bad eating habits. Apple cider brings back the balance of pH in the body and established a slightly alkaline environment and ultimately facilitate the growth of good bacterias.

These good bacteria will make us better from candida infection. The enzymes found in apple cider can function to control the presence of candida.

Based on a study conducted in Brazil titled, "Antifungal Activity of Apple Cider Vinegar and Candida Species Involved in Denture Stomatitis" that is published in 2015, the antifungal property of apple cider will positively react to Candida and offered therapeutic benefits.

8. Improve The Health of The Hair

Apple cider also has various benefits the hair. Firstly, it increases the porosity meaning the ability of the hair to absorb and retain moisture of the hair.

It closes the cuticle and allows the hair to maintain its moisture. However, apple cider can also cause the hair to become dry at the same time. Due to that, be sure to use a moisturizer after using the apple cider.

On top of that, apple cider can also remove dandruff from your hair. The acidity of the apple cider will make it difficult for fungus(contributing to dandruff) to grow on top of your head.

9. Remove Warts

You can apply the apple cider on warts that usually grow either on the soles of your feet or the palms of your hands. Let it sit overnight by covering it up with a band-aid and taking it off the next morning.

Repeat this every day until you see the result which usually takes around 1 week or so. Several studies have shown that topical acetic acid with high concentration can help reduce the size of warts.

10. Ease Heart Burn and Acid-Reflux

Some of you might have this problem all the time and it is definitely painful, to say the least. But thanks to apple cider it will help create an acidic environment in the stomach and help digest food.

This will directly help the heartburn and acid reflux that some of you are experiencing. The antimicrobial property also prevents certain digestive problems leading to acid reflux.


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