7 Health Benefits Of Water Chestnuts

Some of you might have never heard of water chestnuts or Chinese water chestnuts as it is an aquatic vegetables often grown underwater in marshy or muddy areas. It provides several health benefits to the human body but it may seem quite unpopular compared to other food.

Still, we cannot deny the benefits that it brings to consumers and here we would like to share with you some of the benefits that you can get from it.

What is Chinese Water Chestnut?

This plant is also known as water chestnut but it is intriguing to say that water chestnut is not a part of the nut family.

It might be known to certain people as how it slightly resembles that of a chestnut even though it is categorized as a vegetable. Water chestnut is very popular in Asia and it is mostly used in various types of dishes due to its sweet taste. What's interesting is that there are many ways to cook them.

It can either be fried, steamed, grilled or even eat it on its own in a way to reap all the benefits that water chestnut has to offer. One thing for sure is that water chestnut will definitely make you healthier.

What Are The Health Benefits of Water Chestnuts?

Based on previous studies, this plant is highly nutritious. Every 100g of this vegetable comprised the following nutrients:
  • Calories - 97 kcal
  • Carbohydrates - 23.9 grams
  • Fats - 0.1 gram
  • Protein - 2 grams
  • Fibers - 3 grams

1. Rich In Antioxidant

The antioxidant that exists naturally in this vegetable is very crucial to protect our bodies from any free radical activities.

Free radicals that are formed and accumulated in our bodies will weaken the immune system and increases the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes and cancer.

The good news is that the presence of ferulic acid, gallocatechin gallate, epicatechin gallate, and catechin gallate in water chestnuts will help to neutralize free radicals in the body.

2. Aid In Weightloss

As stated above, this vegetable is very low in calories making it highly suitable for individuals who are trying to lose weight.

Not just that but water chestnut is also among the high-volume type of food with a water content of 74% which will make you feel full for much longer.

3. Support The Digestive System

It is believed that 12% of an individual's fiber requirement can be fulfilled by taking this water chestnut proving that it is high in nutrition.

With this nutritional value, problems related to the digestive system can be overcome such as constipation, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, acid reflux, and many more.

4. Reduces The Risk Of Heart Attack

In the traditional remedies being practiced, white chestnuts are often used to treat high blood pressure as well as issue related to it.

The intake is also believed to reduce the risk of a heart attack following the controlled blood pressure as well as the richness of potassium.

5. Cooling The Body

The most interesting benefit will be that this vegetable can cool off the body. Its effect is somewhat similar to drinking coconut water.

On top of that, if you are living in a hot country then you might want to give this a go on that hot sunny day.

6. Preventing Cancer

Among the antioxidant that is present in water chestnut will ferulic acid. Scientists found out that ferulic acid is capable of preventing and fighting off cancer cells.

Some of the cancers that are believed to be preventable will be skin cancer, bone cancer, thyroid cancer, and also breast cancer.

7. Good For Baby With Yellow Fever

Jaundice is a common condition that will occur in most baby borns. In traditional medicine, many parents use turmeric, onions, and other herbs including water chestnut as something to be applied on the skin.

Nevertheless, one should know that there has not been any scientific evidence to prove that Chinese water chestnut is truly effective and it shall remain as an alternative only.

How To Take Chinese Water Chestnuts

It is not that difficult to know the best way of taking this vegetable as it can be best enjoyed as food or even drinks.

As food, you can simply eat the inside after peeling off the skin. You can also try to fry, steam, boil or grill it too.

As a drink, you can extract the inside and turn it into juice. Or perhaps paying a visit to the nearby supermarket can make it easier for you.


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