Top 10 Most Dangerous Prisons In The World

The prison has become the central place of isolation for criminals and convicts who committed crimes. Despite the prison becoming a safe haven for ordinary citizens against these criminals, there is truly no safe place for the bad guys. 

There are many dangerous prisons out there where you would think twice before committing a crime so that you will not end up here. These are the top 10 most dangerous prisons in the world where cases of rape and murder frequently happen at these places.

10. Rikers Island Prison (New York)

In Rikers Island, there are around 10 prison buildings here placing as many as 12,000 prisoners in each one. There are many cases of prisoners here being attacked, raped, and killed by the guards.

The guards even forced two prisoners to fight against each other as they see it as entertainment for them. An investigation took place for such cases but many fake records were forged to hide what was actually happening in this prison.

They used an excuse that the fight was due to the prisoners' intent and that they were never forced to do it.

9. La Sante Prison (Paris)

Paris is well known as the city of love by many tourists worldwide who wish to see the Eiffel Tower. However, these prisoners that are sent to La Sante Prison will believe that love is the word of a fool.

If we were to look back at its history, this facility is heavily guarded with maximum security all over the prison. It was opened in 1867, and there have been many cases of abuse happening inside.

During World War II, the prisoners of war and common criminals were placed there and ever since 150 years of it being operational, only 3 prisoners managed to escape this place showing how tight the place is.

8. Pyatak Prison (Russia)

Pyatak Prison will be the Alcatraz version of the Russian prison. There are truly no safe prisons in Russia with this one, in particular, having the maximum level of security.

The prison can be found in White Lake, Russia and it is the most isolated place on the island. The prisoners have to get there by boat. In winter, things get worst for these inmates as the average temperature reaches -12 °C(10.4 °F) in winter and can go as low as -40 °C(-40 °F) causing extreme pressure on the prisoners.

7. Bang Kwang Prison (Thailand)

The prison is located a few kilometers away from Bangkok and it is mostly occupied by foreign prisoners. Bang Kwang prison is Thailand's most secure prison with guards constantly on the lookout.

In the first 3 months, all prisoners must be chained to their necks and leg as they wait for their death sentence. Almost 10% of the prisoners here are counting the days of their execution date.

Almost all convicts have to spend at least 25 years for the crimes that they have committed. It can be said that most of them are malnourished from the lack of proper food. They are only served one plate of rice and vegetables a day on top of having a lack of water supply.

The prison itself is also overcrowded with people.

6. La Sabaneta Prison (Venezuela)

The Venezuelans who were placed in this prison have a high chance of dying than those who live in Caracas city. Caracas city is notoriously known for extreme crimes and shootings but it seems that La Sabaneta prison is much worst in comparison.

Former president of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez once said that this prison is the fifth pathway to hell. It is dangerous from various factors such as overcrowded, lack of funds, as well as low staff members to manage things.

The prison is controlled by gang members and rape is considered a common thing to happen here. Those without power or influence will surely know that they cannot survive in such a place. Riots are constantly happening in this prison.

5. Diyarbakir (Turkey)

This prison was opened in 1980 and it became a hell hole for the Kurdish people. The detainment center is already full of regular prisoners and political people.

It holds many histories with bloodshed occurring in the past. Ever since its operation, hundreds of prisoners were tortured to death. Some even claimed that they burn themselves to escape the unbearable torture.

Today, there are up to 350 prisoners aged from 13 to 17 years old that are forced to spend their days in Diyarbakir prison.

4. Gldani Prison (Georgia)

Unlike other prisons, this one is equipped with sophisticated technologies causing the prisoners of Gldani to experience their worst nightmare. With such technologies in hand, the convicts have to go through such hardships to survive.

An inspection was done by the U.S.S.R when this prison suddenly became viral with recordings showing how the prisoners were tortured, beaten up, and mercilessly raped by the guards.

After this exposure to the whole world, the government arrested the convicted guards.

3. Civile de Cotonou (Benin)

Benin is a small country in Western Africa close to Togo and Nigeria. The facilities in Cotonou can only fit 400 people but as many as 2,400 prisoners lived here including men, women, and children.

Due to how pact the place is, prisoners were forced to sleep according to shifts as some died due to suffocating while they sleep. Almost 90% of the prisoners here are awaiting their trial.

The process of the trial will take years to be carried out due to excessive cases in the country. This is due to the lack of funds to keep the place safe as there have been many reports of death caused by untreatable diseases.

2. Tadmor Prison (Syria)

The prison that is located in the desert has caused a heavy burden to all the prisoners living there. Torture is a common thing to happen to all prisoners regardless of their status from the common people to politicians. This facility was closed in 2001 but it was later reopened a decade later.

Several improvements were made after its reopening but it is still minor due to the level of prisoners adding up. The guards here can rule freely as they wish and without any books, TV or radio station to light up their day, the guards will enjoy themselves by torturing the prisoners.

1. Gitarama Prison (Rwanda)

The people of Rwanda truly know the meaning of fear and after 20 years of war dividing their nation, their fear still exists due to the Gitarama prison. It is overcrowded with prisoners and the lack of funding stirs things up even more.

If you were not killed from getting beaten up, you will either die of starvation or diseases. As most of them are desperate to stay alive, they are willing to kill each other and even become cannibals.

They are basically following their own instincts to survive and without any cells or rooms to keep them apart, it will be much easier for them to attack one another. This prison was meant for 500 people but as of today, it is inhabited by 5 times that number.


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