Top 7 Most Beautiful Fish In The World

As of today, there are around 34,000 species of fish that are known around the world. On top of it looking like a big figure, there are roughly hundreds of breeds and types for one species of fish.

Some of you might agree that fish is one of the most beautiful creatures on the planet. As most of them lived in the deep waters, there is still much mesmerizing fish out there that are still unknown.

Aquarium centers have become the place for mankind to witness these super rare fish and here we would like to share with you the top 7 most beautiful fish in the world that you should go and see for yourself.

7. Blueface Angel

The Blueface Angel or also known as the angel yellowfish has unique color patterns on its face. It usually grows up to 38 centimeters in size. The shape of the ship looks dense and thin when viewed from the front.

You can commonly find this fish in the corals of the Indo-Pacific region. This ship, however, is not included in the endangered species list and the patterns between the adult and adolescent fish are quite different.

It is comprised of 6 white and blue stripes along its body giving the fish that outstanding look.

6. Banggai Cardinal

As the name states, the Banggai Cardinal is a native species of the Banggai Island of Indonesia. The color patterns and its back fins make it easily distinguishable from other fish of the same species.

The difference between the male and female lies in its jaw and the fish can grow between 8 - 9 centimeters long. Unlike the Blueface Angel, this fish is considered endangered and almost extinct.

If you were ever to come across this fish, it will be wise to release it back into the waters.

5. Rainbow Parrot

As the Rainbow Parrotfish has a very bright rainbow color on its body, it is among the biggest species on this list reaching a length of 1.2 meters. Its weight can reach up to 9 kg and it usually lives for up to 16 years.

Its main habitat will be the Western Atlantic and Caribbean Ocean. The fish has a wide and long body size as well as feeds on algae. There is not much of a difference between males and females.

Similar to the Banggai Cardinal, this fish is also on the brink of extinction.

4. Trigger

The Triggerfish belong to the family of Balistidae and it is commonly found in the Subtropical ocean. The Balistidae family is comprised of around 40 different species.

Some of its diets include algae and plankton and interestingly enough, Triggerfish is considered one of the smartest fish in the world. Its physical features are very dynamic making it very interesting to look at.

It has a rather big head, small eyes, and an oval mouth and grows between 20 - 50 cm in length.

3. Emperor Angel

This fish looks almost like a shining light due to the color combination of dark blue, white, and electrical blue which can leave you stunned just by looking at them.

The colors are arranged in a neat pattern that goes inwards in a circular motion. This color remains unchanged until the fish reaches its maturity age. After that, Emperor Angel will change into a blue and yellow striped body with dark circular eyes.

2. Betta

The youngsters nowadays might have never heard of this fish but it was once a popular fish to own back in the day. In fact, there are still collectors from the older generations that still own this fish to this day.

The Betta fish or also known as the fighting fish due to its aggressive behavior once confrontation occurs between male species. The fish is relatively small in size under 6.5 cm in length.

On top of that, the fish will also fight with other small fish and its true colors can be seen once the fighting starts. Betta fish is considered the most beautiful freshwater fish in the world.

1. Mandarin

It is without a doubt that the Mandarin fish stands at the top of the list for the most beautiful fish in the world. The fish has a combination of blue, green, and orange stripes all over its body.

It is native to the Indo-Pacific region as well as lives in lagoons and coral reefs. It is one of the most active aquarium fish that always move at a rapid pace in the water. Its main food will be egg fish, polychaete, and ostracod.

However, it is also one of the hardest fish to own due to its strict diet. It is similar in size to the Betta fish and it is very difficult to see one in the waters. This fish species can live up to 15 years.


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