How to Make Money From Your Blog in 2020?

People seem to love to express how they feel through blogging by writing about what they love most. But what if you can turn that passion into a real job. It will be great if you can make some money on the side of writing articles and some people make it their full-time career.

The question that you will ask yourself is, How can I make money from my blog?

How much money you make really depends on the number of visitors you are getting to your blog. The more there is the more you are getting from the piece of the pie. There are people out there who made thousands of dollars from blogging simply sitting in the comfort of their own homes.

So before you start quitting your job and pursuing this career, here are some of the ways you can make money from your blog.

1. Sell Ads Space (Google Adsense)

This will be one of the easiest ways a blogger can make money from. Google Adsense will be the choice for many bloggers since Google is probably;y the biggest ads company in the world and be sure that your visitors will see relevant ads   There are tons of ad formats available out there ranging from banners, videos, pop up, pop-under, native ads and many more. 

You need to do some research on which type of ads suits best for your blog and try not to be too invasive with the ads. Remember that the visitor's experience is what matters most and we don't want them to be annoyed with intrusive ads.

2. Affiliate Marketing

Using your blog, you will simply do a review of the benefits of using particular affiliate products or services. You can choose to promote any type of affiliate products/ services but it is up to you to pick the ones that suit you. Pick the product which is suitable according to the niche of your blog.

I recommend promoting the brand new companies since there will be less competition between you and other promoters. By promoting any affiliate products/services, you are able to get commission sales which can be quite lucrative. This can range from signups to sales, and even referral commissions. There are people like Pat Flynn who made $53K  passively by being an affiliate.

3. Sell Digital Content

Do you have a lot of knowledge that you want to spread to others? Simply make digital content(e-book) and sell it on your blog. You can teach others the art of making a blog for instance. People are willing to pay huge cash so that they can learn the proper way to write an SEO blog.

Be sure to focus on your niche so that it matches your audiences' interests. Start writing good content on your blogs since this will show that you have in-depth knowledge to spread to others. You can charge anywhere from as low as $5 and up to $35+ for each E-book. 

You can also try making short video lessons or even online coaching for your loyal subscribers when you have gathered a lot of visitors.

4. Sell Merchandise and Services

If you have products that you can sell, then this will be a good way to make some money on the side. It can be anything from perfumes, watches, or even your digital content like pictures. It is very easy to set up your very own shop on your blog by using plugins like WooCommerce. Simply just install it on your plugin and you're good to go. 

You can also provide services to others like coaching services for instant and charge consultation fees for it. This can be face-to-face, over face cam and even tips sent to their email as packages.

5. Premium Posts

Premium content/posts are basically the contents that your audience has to pay to gain access to it. This can be an awesome post regarding some sort of guides that only your paid audience can see. Ensure that the posts you make are worth their money since your audience will expect something big for them.

You can simply set up your own paid content in mere minutes by using the plugin MemberPress.

6. Paid Reviews

You can also do paid reviews on certain products or services related to your niche for a fee. Simply reach out to business owners out there who are willing to pay you cash for promoting their products and services. 

Be sure that the reviews provided were honest and legitimate or else you'll end up having customers with dissatisfaction chasing hot on your tail. Fake reviews will make matters worse for you and your blog being labeled as a scam.

These are some of the tips that I can think of and there are many more where that came from. You can always turn your passion for blogging into a real-time income.

Have you made money from your blog?


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