Top 10 Hardest Riddles Ever To Be Made

Everybody loves riddles, am I right? Solving a riddle will be one of the most anticipated activities, especially during gatherings with your friends. Riddles are considered the most favorite thing in all of society whether you are an adult or even children.

Aside from being fun and all, riddles will also train your mind to think creatively and critically when solving problems. It will definitely come in handy in your jobs and here are the top 10 hardest riddles that will blow your mind.

1. Father and Son in An Accident

A father and his son were on their way to go camping and unfortunately got into a tragic accident. The father did not make it while his son is in a bad state and requires immediate surgery.

However, upon arrival at the hospital, one of the doctors entered the operation theater and said, "I can't perform the surgery on this boy, he's my son"

Who might the doctor be? 

2. A Room and Animals
You went into a room and you found yourself a bed. On top of that bed, there are 2 dogs, 4 cats, a giraffe, 5 cows, and a duck. 

There were also 3 birds flying on top of the bed.

How many legs can be found on the floor? 

3. Tallest Mountains in The Whole Universe

The tallest mountain in the whole universe as of now is called Olympus Mons. You might have never heard of it as it is not located on Earth but instead on Mars with a height of 21.3 km and a staggering width of 600km.

The question will be, before this mountain was discovered, which mountain will be the tallest one in the universe?

4. John and Instagram
John is an Insta famous who always uploads his pictures on Instagram. How many likes did John get if only one of these statements is true?
  1. John's picture got at least 100 likes
  2. John's picture got less than 100 likes
  3. John's picture got at least 1 like

5. A Wife and Beautiful Woman
A husband and his wife happen to be strolling around in the shopping mall and have come across a very beautiful woman with her child. The husband and his wife suddenly look back toward the beautiful woman and the child.

Why did they look back?

6. The day riddle
When the day after tomorrow becomes yesterday, then today will be as far from Sunday as the day it was today when the day before yesterday was tomorrow.

Which day is it?

7. Doctor, Bus Driver, and Beautiful Girl

A doctor and a bus driver both were in love with the same beautiful woman named, Sarah. However, the bus driver was forced to take the bus to one destination for one week straight.

Before going, he gave Sarah 7 apples. 

Why did the bus driver do that?

8. Father and Son
Two fathers and the sons decided to go fishing. After all day fishing, they've only managed to catch 3 fish.
Later on, one of the fathers said "Let's go home, there's already enough fish for each one of us". 

How can this possibly happen?

9. 5 Apples and 5 Girls
In a basket, there are 5 apples and it has to be divided among 5 girls. How is it possible to divide the apples so that each of the girls will get one apple?

The catch is that one apple has to remain in the basket.

10. Stephen and Rain
Stephen decided to go for a walk when all of a sudden it starts to rain. He also did not bring an umbrella and also was not wearing a hat when going out. 

Stephen's clothes were drenched due to the rain however not a strand of his hair was wet.

How can this even happen?

Well, there you have it. These are the top 10 hardest riddles that I think might crack your head into solving them. Hope you enjoy solving and remember no cheating.

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