How The Internet Changed Our Life

The existence of the Internet has changed our fundamentals and the way humans live. The presence of the Internet has helped us communicate with the rest of the world by obtaining information much more easily and many more. But with that being said it has also given several other impacts that are not expected for the human brain.

One of the major effects of the Internet that are currently being investigated by experts is with regard to how the Internet itself influences the human mind. Whether we realize it or not, this is what is truly happening now as progress further into digitalization.

Here are some of the ways how the Internet changes the way we think.

1. Shorter Attention Span

Many have raised their concerns regarding the effect of the Internet on the way we focus on our daily tasks. According to a study that was done in 2015, the concerned human will only have an attention span similar to a goldfish that will eventually occur.

As we all know, goldfish on average have a limited attention span of only 9 seconds whereas a human has 12 seconds. After the year 2000, the human attention span dropped to merely 8 seconds!

Researchers believed that a big part of it is due to the appearance of smartphones in the 21st century. One observation found that nearly 80 percent of individuals aged 18-24 years old will start looking at their smartphone if nothing amazing catches their eye.

This figure is far different than those 10 percent for 65 years older.

2. Gets Us Constantly Disturbed

How frequently do you get your check on your smartphone? According to research based in the US, on average we check our phone as much as 96 times a day or every 10 minutes. The value is two times or perhaps even more for those aged 18-24 years old.

A writer named Nicholas Carr explained that constant disturbance is the price to pay so that we can get an unlimited amount of information from our fingertips. Reducing the usage of our smartphones does not mean that we are basically left behind or less interacting but it will definitely keep us more focused and calm.

3. Worsening Our Memories In The Long-Term

Constantly surfing the web to obtain information will potentially impact us in a harmful way especially when it comes to our memories and memorizing capability. In order to remember what was being looked into for the long term, it will require the person to be quite observant.

However, if you are constantly disturbed and continuously receiving new information, you are basically throwing out the previous information as the new one sets in.

One particular research was conducted in 2011 that clearly explains this situation. The researchers noted how the subject remembers less of the information since they already know that it can be easily obtained on Google later on. 

Simply being said, the Internet basically makes someone's mind to be lazier since the information is easily accessible online.

4. More Connected and Separated At One Time

In the aspects of society, we will feel more connected with other people out there compared to previously without the presence of the Internet. But at the same time, we will also feel more separated than before.

Based on research, as more time is being spent on the Internet, it will also mean that there will be less time for interaction between families and friends physically. This will make the aspect of physical interaction become more obsolete and less relevant to the extent that it can turn someone to be more depressed and lonely.

5. Getting Us Confused On The Important Things

The Internet provides us with a cycle of news non-stop 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. This convenience has given an effect on the ability of humans to filter any sort of information that they receive.

Any type of information or news without any barriers will get us more confused about focusing on what really matters most. Most people will be more interested in knowing new things online rather than getting into the crucial parts.

6. Being Too Expressive Without Knowing The Consequences

As of now, it is much easier for us to express our opinions on what we feel is right and wrong without having a slight thought of the negative impacts of social media. Before the existence of the Internet, we have ample time to think before we act into expressing our feelings inside our hearts.

With the Internet, everything becomes so much easier as it can be done at our fingertips. Many things that are being expressed online have their own consequences and some of them can be very dire whether to ourselves or the people around us.

It is not wrong to tell the world what we truly feel but sometimes it is better to stay silent and think thoroughly first before we act.

7. Makes Us Feel Less Empathetic

Empathy means the ability to understand and share feelings with another person. Before the Internet was around people are more understanding towards one another and always think from a different perspective regarding a particular situation.

When the Internet arrived, everything regarding fighting, cyber-bullying, and trolling has become rampant in society. People can easily become very judgemental when they hear a rumor without looking at the situation in a different way.

In fact, this despicable act is constantly being done to unknown individuals that they do not know personally. Even if we were to look at how much the Internet has done for us, we also cannot deny the fact that it will bring more harm than good if it is not used in the right way.

It is best to become a wise Internet user that promotes empathy and sympathy to those around you.


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