Top 7 Most Venomous Scorpions In The World

Aside from snakes, scorpions are also known to be dangerous creatures to mankind. Despite its relatively small size, this animal is capable of giving detrimental effects on humans. However, not all of them are categorized as being dangerous with only a few species capable of causing death through their stings.

Scorpion stings can be very deadly if left untreated and rapid treatment is paramount for the survivability of the victim. Here we would like to share with you the top 7 most venomous scorpions in the world that you should be afraid of.

7. Arizona Bark

The Arizona Bark scorpion or its scientific name Centruroides sculpturatus is one of the most venomous scorpion species all over Northern America and as some of you might have guessed it is commonly found in the desert of Arizona.

An adult male scorpion can reach a length of 8 cm while its counterpart is a bit smaller at 7 cm. The sting from an Arizona Bark can be felt like an electric shock as well as cause other symptoms including vomiting, body ache, and diarrhea that will last anywhere between 24 - 72 hours.

A temporary dysfunction of the local area being stung is usually common for instance you may not be able to raise your hand or an involuntary movement occurs instead. If left untreated the sting can cause difficulty in breathing and ultimately death.

6. Arabian Fat Tailed

The Arabian Fat Tailed is a native species to the Middle East and it can be found anywhere in Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, and also Saudi Arabia. It can grow up to 7.6 cm in length and it is considered an average size scorpion.

Be wary not to get too close as they tend to be very aggressive and will attack if threatened. Its main food includes small mice, geckos, and spiders. The scorpion got its name due to the structure of its body in which the tail is very thick compared to other scorpions.

Its venom is as deadly as people say. Thankfully an antidote for this species has been used in Turkey to treat all scorpion attacks ever since 1942.

5. Tanzanian Red Claw

One of the scorpion species from the 
Pandinuscavimanus family, the Tanzanian Red Claw ranks number 5th on this list. Resembling the sting of a bee, this scorpion is capable of inflicting 5 times the power which spreads throughout its victim really quickly.

Due to the allergic reaction caused by its venom, children are the group at risk of its sting considering they have a relatively weak immune system. Its sting can easily compromise the victim's immune system which in turn causes death.

4. Brazilian Yellow

Originating from Brazil, the Brazillian Yellow scorpion has one of the deadliest venoms in the world. Tityus serrulatus as its scientific name comes from the Buthidae family similar to the Arizona Bark.

Nausea and rapid heartbeat are among the common symptoms experienced by the victim after being stung by this scorpion. However, as the poison starts to spread, its effect will be more deadly as the failure of the central nervous system may follow which will then result in death.

3. Gomar

The Gomar scorpion ranks 3rd as the most venomous scorpion in the world. It is slightly large in size growing up to 10 - 12.7 cm in length and has a black color all over. Gomar also has a strong physical structure protecting its outer body which makes it heavier than other scorpions.

A sting from this scorpion is so deadly that it can kill an adult human in just 10 minutes if left untreated. This species is commonly found in both tropical forests and rainforests.

2. Deathstalker

Deathstalker or its scientific name Leiurus quinquestriatus is another scorpion species belonging to the Buthidae family. With a measurement of 6.4 cm in length, Deathstalker is seen as a weak scorpion species.

However, the same cannot be said about its venom as it can potentially kill any man in just 5 minutes. If the victim was lucky enough and still breathing, their body will then fight against other infections and allergic reactions.

1. Indian Red

The Indian Red Scorpion tops the list of the most venomous scorpion in the world and its red color definitely give us goosebumps just by looking at it. It is native to India and can also be found in Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.

It can grow up to 10 cm in length with its venom capable of causing a painful and swift death to its victim. Symptoms that may arise from the sting are vomiting, excruciating pain all over, numbness, lung failure, and heart attack.

All of these symptoms will occur in just a few minutes after the venom penetrate the victim's body.


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