The Key of Success For Every Billionaire

Everybody has an idol that they look up to and many people are seeking what is the key to success for every billionaire out there. Many are inspired by the stories of how most billionaires manage to do the impossible and one thing to keep in mind is to be disciplined.

Always disciplining yourself will be one of the keys to success that not many people are willing to follow.  It seems that billionaires will have their very own systematic routines as well as high disciplines when it comes to practicing their daily life.

Here are some of the things that most billionaires have in common:

1. Waking up early

As we can see that most successful billionaires wake up anywhere between 5-5.30am. During those times, they wake up to relax apart from thinking about what they shall do later on that day.

They have scheduled what to do next when others are still sleeping. Aside from that, this is considered the best time for you to think peacefully about your daily routine.

A billionaire called Manny Stul who happened to sell one of the best toys for kids, once admit that it was hard for him to wake up early in the morning but after 2 weeks of constant practice it has become a norm in his life. He even did not need the alarm clock to wake him up.

It is also suggested that most billionaires sleep roughly 6-7 hours a day and to the extent that some of them only sleep 4-5 hours a day. To wake up early in the morning you will have to also sleep early at night to ensure that the next routine in the morning can be done.

2. Keep Yourself Healthy

A healthy mind and body are very crucial to not just billionaires but also every individual on this planet. With a healthy body, you will be able to do lots of stuff without having any sort of irritation and everything can be done with ease.

According to CNBC, Lirio Parisotto who happens to be a billionaire from Brazil always takes the initiative to exercise on his treadmill 3 times a week. Not just that but another billionaire named Frank Stronach stressed the importance of the relationship between sports and business.
Sports are very important. The social benefits are immeasurable. Its a compounding thing for the economy
 Some billionaires also meditate quite often to ease their minds. This is especially helpful during decision-making as you need a healthy mind to make the right move.

3. Love to Read

Reading has been a part of most billionaires worldwide as you can't simply get enough of it. You never know when ideas struck through reading which can be beneficial for the business. Even the best investor ever, Warren Buffet loves to read books or financial statements of companies as much as 500 pages per day.

That's the extent that certain people will go through. 

A lot of billionaires will read books related to economics and things happening on Wall Street. On top of that, sometimes some of them read books related to the biography of successful people like the Biography of Benjamin Graham, The Intelligent Investor

According to the billionaire Cho Tak Wong, he always encouraged youngsters out there to read books to find any sort of inspiration to grow their businesses. By reading books, they will be able to think outside the box and do the unexpected as well as give back to society.

4. Always Think Carefully

Some of the reasons why these billionaires are very successful are the fact that they love to think outside the box and make decisions carefully. They love to be alone for quite some time to find ways and strategies how to improve their business.

For instance, Kim Beom-Su happens to be a popular billionaire in South Korea who loves a brisk walk in the park where he will get some inspiration and ideas for his business.

These ideas can later be used to expand his business empire and aside from that he also takes some time early in the morning to do some brainstorming. 

5. Having a Daily Routine

It seems that most billionaires also have a productive daily routine that they will accomplish each day. This can be almost anything like reading books, a morning jog or even preparing breakfast in the morning.

Based on Kim Beom-Su, he will have a daily routine of sleeping at 11pm and waking up between 5 to 6 am each day. He will also do some light exercise early in the morning.

After that, reading has been a part of his routine and he will read for at least 30 mins before going to work. Despite the routine being quite boring for certain people, Kim Beom-Su has kept doing it until now since it is considered his recipe for success.

6. High self-discipline

Just like becoming a bodybuilder, self-discipline is crucial so that they will keep maintaining their own body. They have to work out constantly and control their diet as well as lifestyle. 

This can also be said regarding any billionaires out there who need to have high focus and very high discipline to succeed. Every person will have their own bad day but that is no excuse for you to even try harder instead of sitting around and doing nothing. 

Most billionaires will not let anything get in the way of their success and dream despite the situation. This is similar to what Michal Solowow who happens to be a billionaire from Poland. He will constantly do the things he did not like every day for the sake of fighting his own laziness.

Follow their footsteps

That's why you need to have these traits in your life and having these typical routines in your daily life will definitely get you somewhere in your life. Billionaires are often successful not because of their genes and DNA but it is the positive mentality that they have which they believe in 

By doing this, nothing will be impossible to be achieved and maybe one day you can also become successful like them. What do you think is your hardest struggle in life?

Source: CNBC

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