Signs Of Narcissism In An Individual

Ever since the trend of selfies became a hit on the Internet, we often hear the word narcist or narcissistic being used. But do you actually know the true meaning behind a narcissist?

Definition Of Narcissism

Based on the Cambridge dictionary, the word narcissism can be defined as an excessive interest in or admiration of oneself and one's physical appearance.

In fact, many physiologists around the globe have made much research involving individuals who are believed to be narcissistic. If you think that it is a common disorder in the community, you are truly wrong.

Narcissism is a serious issue that portrays specific features that have been studied and categorized by psychologists. On top of that, you should also understand the difference between having self-worth and being too obsessed with yourself.

Generally speaking, narcissism is the state of mind that made an individual feel that their presence is far much superior and priceless compared to others.

Type of Narcissism

1. Grandiose Narcissism

Grandiose Narcissism has the classic signs related to narcissism. This includes being an extrovert, desperate for attention, and tending to become the dominant one in any type of relationship. A person who experiences Grandiose Narcissism is more prone to choose the type of career related to power such as politician and celebrity.

But then again this does not mean that all politicians and celebrities have this condition. But an individual who is narcissistic will highly likely choose this path as their main career to have that higher status and the attention that one desire including those they don't know.

2. Vulnerable Narcissism

Vulnerable Narcissism is slightly different than the one stated previously. Those who have this type of narcissism will be quieter and hardly talks to other. But just because they are silent does not mean they won't retaliate.

They easily get triggered by those who are against them. With that being said, it will also be difficult for them to stay in a healthy relationship since they expect perfection from the other side.

Both this narcissism explained earlier will have a negative impact on someone's life. A person with Grandiose Narcissism will make risky moves and will have no empathy toward their partner. Whereas an individual with vulnerable narcissism will usually be non-loyal as they feel that they deserve better from their partner.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

You might not want to get confused with personality traits of narcissism that are commonly seen in this disorder. Narcissistic Personality Disorder only occurs in 1-2% of the world's population. On top of that, it happens more in men compared to women.

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual(DSM) fifth edition of the American Psychiatric Association, here are the features of Narcissistic Personality Disorder:
  • Less empathy toward others since those around are constantly seen as less precious
  • Arrogant and has a strong belief that they are far more important. Feel that they are the brightest and most beautiful person in all aspects
  • Always dream of having a limitless amount of power, the perfect beauty, and ideal love.
  • Had to be loved and cared for by others more than by other people around
  • Felt that they have the highest privilege among others. All expectations and demands must be fulfilled
  • Always feel jealous of those around them and believed that others envy them

Cause of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Much research has been done to identify the cause of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Genetic factors have also been taken into account by focusing this disorder on twins.

Despite the heritage factors having a slight influence on this condition, the nurture and care from the parents are truly the big factors in why this would happen. If the parents raised their children full of praise and compliment throughout their lives, these children will have a higher tendency to get Grandiose Narcissism.

The same thing can be said in contrast, if the parents always feel emotional and grumpy towards the kid, they will likely have vulnerable narcissism.

Narcissistic Culture

Aside from the upbringing of the parents, society also plays a role in creating these so-called narcissists. A society that gives great importance to individuality compared to dynamic groups will produce more narcissistic individuals.

For instance, in America, the number of patients that experience Narcissistic Personality Disorder has been increasing since 1970. This is different than those who are in the 60s where they practice living in a community without having any selfish thoughts.

Narcissistic And Social Media

Much psychological research tried to look into the relationship between rising cases of narcissism with the use of social media. Even though it seems to have a close relationship, there is still yet to be solid evidence proving this claim.

Social media is merely a platform where it gives the opportunity for these narcissists to feature themselves in public. Narcissism is a plague that will slowly eat you away and at the same time will make the people around suffer for their acts.

This condition can still be treated but the high level of barriers are there due to the personal traits of these narcissists. Therefore, one should always self-reflect on their actions and sometimes put themselves in the other person's shoes to imagine their world of view.


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