Signs Showing That Your Body Is Dehydrated

Dehydration can occur when a person's body is lacking water and the necessary salts. In general, a healthy individual loses body fluid through the process of excrement whether it is sweating, water vapor, peeing, or through the organs like skin, lungs, and kidneys.

The weather in certain countries varies from hot to cold and humid to dry making it a factor of whether the person's body undergoes a certain extent of dehydration. If you ever feel unwell, fatigue ness, and lightheaded then perhaps it is one of the signs of dehydration.

Therefore, it is best to seek medical professionals on the best ways to overcome it.


Do you constantly feel tired while at work or even when resting at home? Or even feels restless despite getting an adequate amount of sleep at night. Why did this happen you might ask.

If you ever feel that your body is putting a good amount of weight on you then there is a possibility that your body is lacking water and needs that hydration booster. Dehydration causes the enzyme in your body to react slowly resulting in less energy production. This perhaps explains why you are always tired.


If you ever feel that bloatedness or indigestion feeling and you've never used the toilet for quite some time then this is one of the signs of dehydration. Aside from the fiber intake in your food, you should also check whether you are getting enough water in a day.

It is recommended that one should consume on average 8 glasses of water each day. When your body is not getting enough water, it will be hard for the intestines to digest your food properly making it hard for the food to be excreted from the body.


75% of the water in the body is found in the brain alone and when a person is not drinking enough water then the brain will act accordingly. The brain is surrounded by layers of water for protection and it comprises the whole part of the brain.

When a person is deprived of this water source, it will result in pressure built up causing the headache to occur.

Less Vaginal Secretion

This only involves those who will have sexual intercourse and most women are looking for ways to overcome the problems of the vagina being dry and painful when doing sex. One of the reasons for it is probably because you are not drinking enough water.

Not just that but one should also avoid drinking too many caffeinated drinks as they will absorb the water in the body. On top of that getting enough vitamin E will be helpful as it will facilitate the thickening of the vaginal tissues.

How To Ensure You Get a Good Amount of Water

1. Drink two glasses of plain water before going to bed. Start your day by drinking water in the morning as it will not only make you fresh throughout the day but also helps in the digestion process.

2. Ensure that you have your water bottle with you at all times. Make sure that the water bottle itself is convenient to be carried around so that it will be comfortable to take wherever you go.

3. Taking food that is based on water such as fruits. Some examples will be cucumber, grapes or watermelon.

4. Download the apps for water utilization. Jot down the amount of water that you consume in a day. You will then get an idea of how much water you have been drinking.


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