Top 7 Most Dangerous Roads In The World

Some of you here should be grateful that you are still living in a safe environment where you do not have to risk your life to get to a particular destination. While some of us might have experienced the worst roadways possibly imagined, you might be shocked after seeing the condition of some of the roads on this list.

These people had to go through dangerous pathways with steep gorges that could potentially kill them if mistakes were to happen. Here we would like to share with you the top 7 most dangerous roads in the world.

7. Karakoram Highway

Looking at the state of this highway you must be thinking who thought of building it in such a way in the first place. You might be surprised that it was also known as "Friendship Highway" as it connects China and Pakistan by crossing Karakoram Mountain at the height of 4,693 meters.

During the construction of this highway, it was reported that 140 Chinese workers died at the scene. This road is exposed to landslides and floods and what's even scarier is that the road in Pakistan is not even paved.

Despite the dangers and all, it did not stop tourists from visiting this unique place.

6. Kabul-Jalalabad Road

The road that goes for 143 km connects Kabul and Jalalabad, the biggest city in eastern Afghanistan. This road also passes through Kabul River George which is a Taliban region across 64 km.

Tight roadways and weak infrastructure on top of the traffic jams have caused many accidents to occur on this road. If you were to look at the state of it, accidents can pretty much happen at any time.

5. Sichuan-Tibet Highway

This road is situated at the highest peak connecting Chengdu and Tibet. This very narrow roadway definitely raises questions regarding its safety, especially with all the common occurrences of landslides and solid erosion carrying massive rocks on the road.

The number of death cases on this road is absurdly high with a ratio of 75 people killed in 1000 drivers. The unpaved road made things a lot worst with puddles of mud get accumulated in the middle of the road and making things rather slippery.

That's not all, the road is constantly in traffic jams most of the time.

4. The Stelvio Pass

Located at 2,757 meters above sea level, this curvy roadway crosses the mountain's steep that is the highest in the eastern Alps. Looking at the picture you can just tell how dangerous it is to go down this road. The road is also fenced with low concrete barriers,

For those who can easily get sick due to bumpy rides, you will definitely get nauseous after using this road as it has 48 sharp u-turns along the road. It is highly advised that the drivers used to drive at a slower pace to avoid flying off the road.

3. Los Caracoles Pass

At first glance, it looked similar to a gaming track of Mario kart. This dangerous road crosses the Andreas Mountain between Chile and Argentina. It is comprised of many steep gorges and sharp turns on top of zero barriers at the side of the road for safety.

With just small mistakes, it will definitely send your car off the course leading to death. The road is also covered in snow throughout the years making it extra slippery and hard to control the car.

What's more shocking is that big trucks and tourists bus mostly use this road each day.

2. The Skippers Canyon

If you are looking to enjoy a mesmerizing view while driving then perhaps you should drive on this road. The narrow road with no barriers to protect you will make you think twice to even being on the road.

But worry not since the road is very dangerous, you will need a permit to even drive on the road. With the tight space available on the road, it is up to the drivers to think about how to pass their cars when driving on opposite sites of the road.

1. North Yungas Road

You might not be surprised by the name that was given to this road looking at the state of it as the locals call it Road of Death. It definitely suits the name as it was estimated that 200 - 300 people died using this road each year.

This road can be found in Yungas, Bolivia and it is a common thing to see buses and lorries using the road and falling under this valley. This usually happens when two drivers try to cross each other on the road.


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