Top 7 Rarest Cat Breeds In The World

Cats are cute four-legged pets that are one of the fondest creatures to have as your companion. Their unpredictable and strange behavior has gotten the attention of most of us as we cherish these sweet moments together. 

Some individuals out there are willing to pay huge amounts of money to ensure that their loved ones are always in good and healthy condition. Here we would like to share with you some of the rarest cats breeds out there which some of you might not even know of their existence.

1. Black-Footed Cat

The black-footed cat is a type of cat that lives in the South African region. It is also among the smallest species of cats in Africa. This feline mostly stays active during the night compared to daylight.

This makes them hard to be found especially the camouflage that the cats have at night time.

2. Rusty-Spotted Cat

This is the smallest wild species of cat in the world and the rusty-spotted cat has been spotted in Sri Lanka and India. In 2016, it was reported that this cat was also somewhere in the western regions of Nepal.

Their numbers are definitely declining as we speak and it is categorized as an endangered species by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

3. Sand Cat

Sand cat or its full name Sand Dune cat is a cat breed that is mostly found in the desert. Their distribution is scattered all over and is split by the desert of Northern Africa, Western Asia, and Middle Asia.

Ever since 2002, this small-sized cat is also categorized similarly to the rust-spotted cat as their number keeps depleting each year.

4. Geoffroy's Cat

Geoffroy's cat is a cat that can be found in South America. Their size is almost similar to any domestic cat with it having small spots all over their body. The average weight of Geoffroy's cat is 2-5 kg and the heaviest to ever be recorded is 7.8 kg.

5. Fishing Cat

This is another wild cat that is mostly found in South Asia. Ever since 2016, this cat has been an endangered species due to its population reducing drastically as the world witnesses its habitats being destroyed.

This cat usually lives by the river bank, lakes, and swampy areas. Unlike other cats that are afraid of water, the fishing cat can swim pretty well as they hunt down fish in the water.

6. Jaguarundi

Jaguarundi is a cat that can be found in North and South America. However, the jaguarundi is not endangered like other cats on this list with their population being stable as it is. The cat has a relatively small leg, a long tail, and round ears.

They are however more active during the day compared to nighttime. Jaguarundi has some amazing climbing skills and likes to rest on top of trees.

7. Kodkod

This is perhaps the smallest cat on this list and the Kodkod has a small head, big feet, and a thick tail. Their average weight is around 2-2.5 kg only and despite being small it has impressive tree-climbing skills.

They also have strong muscles to grip the bark of the trees and hunt small animals.


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